Square cuts front


Square cuts 3D

3D view


  • IN : both kites at < 45 in horizontal flight, not more than 6° apart; the middle of the figure at ^ 20
    • at about < 15 both kites turn 45° one upward, one downward
    • at center window both turn 90°
    • after a stretch of half the first diagonal full sqaures are flown, tto sides at the same lines as the diagonals
    • after the sqaures are flown the kites continue till < 16 is reached, after 45° turns they fly hozizontally on the same height as the first stretch
    • 0
  • OUT : after < 45 is reached


Scoring factors

simulteneous turns - 30
equal sized squares (one whole, one half!) - 40
correct size of the figure - 20
distance between kites at horizontals - 10