Square cuts front


Square cuts 3D

3D view


  • IN : both kites at about ^ 25; the first at < 40, second one at < 30, flying towards centre
    • after about 8° flight both kites turn simultaneously, first one downwards
    • the second one upwards into diagonals
    • at the end of the short diagonals (one at ^ 15, second at ^ 35) both kites turn again
    • the flying paths (but not the kites) cross at centre window
    • the seond half of the figure should be a mirror image of the first half
  • OUT : both kites at about ^ 25; the first at < 30, second one at < 40, flying outwards


Scoring factors

simultaneous turns - 40
symetry of the figure - 30
correct direction of diagonals - 30